Western Maryland Gallery
11425 Upper George's Creek
     Road SW.
Frostburg, Md. 21532

Email the Gallery at

Latest Original Oil Paintings and Giclee Prints by Groves

Larger originals and LTD Prints:

West Gate of the Narrows

Little Round Top, Gettysburg

The Robin Snow

Harper's Ferry

Cumberland, Md.

Devil's Den Sharpshooter

Other Groves Prints

Western Maryland Gallery
James C. Groves' Landscape Paintings and LTD Art Prints; Also notes on Historical Oil Painting Technique, Varnishes and Mediums

"Elekala Falls, Canaan Valley, WV: Late Morning Shadows". Original oil painting on linen canvas by James C. Groves.

Painting measures 24x30-inches. Unframed; dry pigments combined with Copal Jelly; then applied with turps spirit.

US price is $7,000 unframed. Price includes shipping in Continental US only.

Or get the Limited Edition Giclee print in either of two sizes!

The larger image-size print is 16x20 inches ($55.00); or the smaller image size of 10x13.5-inches ($45.00). Prints are on 100% cotton rag watercolor paper using all-pigment inks. Price Includes shipping in a 4" tube.

Email the Gallery and tell us the print size you want and we'll send you a Paypal request for the purchase price. Email is wmg@jamescgroves.com

Prints can be combined in the same tube to save shipping costs.

You can also send your personal check or money order to our address: Western Maryland Gallery, 11425 Upper Georges Creek Rd SW, Frostburg, MD 21532

"July Day; Under the Casselman River Bridge; Distant Thunder". Original oil painting on linen canvas by James C. Groves.

Painting measures 18x24-inches. Unframed; dry pigments combined with Copal Jelly; then applied with turps spirit.

US price is $5,000 unframed. Price includes shipping in Continental US only.


Or get the Limited Edition Giclee print in either of two sizes!

The larger image-size print is 16x20 inches ($55.00); or the smaller image size of 11x14-inches ($45.00). Prints are on 100% cotton rag watercolor paper using all-pigment inks. Price Includes shipping in a 4" tube.

Email the Gallery and tell us the print size you wish and we'll send you a Paypal request for the purchase price. Email is wmg@jamescgroves.com

You can also send your personal check or money order to our address: Western Maryland Gallery, 11425 Upper Georges Creek Rd SW, Frostburg, MD 21532

James C. Groves - 2021 - The painter at 70

For Ordering Historical Varnishes and Mediums Online click here

Or call us at 301-689-3389

For Those Who paint in the Classical Manner We Offer Historical Painting
Mediums and Varnishes--Click here

The Asphaltum Mystery --click here

Heat-processing painting oils: Is muscilage really present in linseed oil? --click here

Ruben's Turpentine: Secrets in the Sauce--click here

Thomas Cole's Copal Varnish --click here

What was Rubens' Painting Method and Medium? --click here

Rembrandt: An Attempt to Copy his Self Portrait Click here

A Master of 17th Century Oil Painting: Orazio Gentileschi's Amber Painting Medium --click here

James C. Groves: About the artist

Noted for his large, highly-detailed grand-view geographic oil landscapes, James C. Groves (1951-) is a contemporary practitioner of the 'Grand Landscape', a manner of painting common to America's 19th century Frederic Church, Albert Bierstadt, and Thomas Moran.

Born in Fairmont, W.V., the painter began drawing at age 3, began water coloring at age 4, and oil painting by age 9. The artist graduated from Frostburg State College (1973) with degrees in Geography, Psychology and Education. After a 2 year sidetrack as a Geography teacher, Mr. Groves began practicing his craft professionally. Having spent nearly 8 years and thousands of hours, in the 1970's and 80's, visiting and studying at Washington, D.C.'s major galleries, Mr. Groves became primarily adept at utilizing the amazing painting techniques of America's 19th Century Hudson River Painters.

In the 1980's, Groves began delving into the methodologies of the much-older schools of oil painting. Out of this lengthy study came a multitude of findings, which has allowed the painter a wide scope of knowledge concerning traditional oil painting practice and materials. His careful gleanings and re-creation of numerous 'lost' painting methods and mediums have had a notable influence in the artworld.

A full-time painter, Groves paints almost daily, 'rubbing up' his own oil paints just before use. His masterful creations display a thorough knowledge and understanding of historical oil painting methods and materials. His command at depiction of the various landscape elements -- sky, weather, land, vegetation, water, mountains-- is second to none. Additionally, and pervasive to the whole, Groves' originals achieve life from these elements through a curious 3-dimensional character ; a rare trait that allows viewers to look' into' the painted landscape, rather than simply at it.

Some updates: Through the years, James Groves has freely shared his techniques and research into historical methods of oil painting with other painters. He also offers the olden painting tools and mediums used by the masters down through the centuries. James Groves is a firm believer in lost painting materials and secrets.

Much of what Mr. Groves has uncovered is, today, being spread about via oil painting enthusiasts and materials manufacturers. In a treatise see *see on left, "attempt to copy Rembrandt's self portrait", Mr.Groves provided an explanation of the common phrase 'Fat over Lean', a rule of paint-layering long utilized when painting in oils. Groves additionally identified several other crucial paint-layering rules. These are: Paint thicker paint atop thinner paint; Paint slow-drying paint atop faster-drying paint; and paint using the same paint atop dried paint. He then summed all these rules into one ultimate rule which he coined painting "More-flexible over less-flexible"'.

Early art historian Georgio Vasari writing in his "Lives of the Artists", 1568, described Jan van Eyck's discovery of an egg tempera coating varnish that could dry in the shade. Groves found and re-created this wonder varnish. In addition James uncovered the actual meaning of Vasari's description, that van Eyck was actually the inventor of a long-sought means of using oil paints in an egg tempera-like manner. Unto this day, no previous research had uncovered this tempera-like methodology and manner, not in the past 400 years. Groves found it. You can read much more about this by clicking here

During 1996, Groves produced a large painting of the ACW Battlefield in the Little Round Top, Devil's Den, and Plum Run Gorge area of eastern Gettysburg. The reconstruction is second to none in its incredible detail as regards the landscape of July 2nd, 1863. Every tree and stump and bush of that day was carefully placed in very fine detail upon the canvas; then the actual combatants were then positioned therein. Many soldiers were painted where they fell. Actual shell-hits were depicted as happened. The result was well-beyond the accuracy of anything ever painted before or since. Sparked by "Battlescape", the early 2000's saw the park remove many trees along the base of Round Top and LRT so as to return the landscape to its 1863 appearance; and in the process destroying that area's ecosystem. [Click on Groves' "Battlescape", left side of this page]

There is a famous photograph taken by three Washington, DC photographers in the Devil's Den area of the Gettysburg Battlefield. The photograph was produced on or about July 5th, 1863, just after the battle. It shows a Confederate sharpshooter lying dead on his back between two large granite boulders and a stone wall. It turns out the DC photographers took 6 known shots of this same dead soldier. Two were recorded at the wall and boulders, while four show the same body taken 80 yards down the hill. This famous photo has long been known as showing an actual sharpshooter. However, sometime after 1975 the GNMP Park staff decided this famous photo made at the wall and boulders (at the time arguably the most famous photo of the entire war) was staged by the photographers using the body of a "regular confederate infantryman" found down the hill. In researching the material for his "Battlescape" Mr. Groves noticed the parks 'discovery' . Perusing the 6 photos it occurred to the artist the Park had made a grievous error. Finding clue after clue in the 6 photos led Groves to write then publish his research in a February 1998 report titled "The Devil's Den Sharpshooter Re-Discovered" Groves' intensive analysis led to a "North and South Civil War Magazine"story (Volume 1; no 7, 1998). You can access Groves' online treatise just below this bio.

The great painter Peter Paul Rubens used a binder/medium containing pine resin. This is proven by paint chip-analysis in so many of his works. However many experts of today claim this finding is due to Rubens' use of an inferior spirits of gum turpentine to apply his paint. Groves cojured Rubens' spirits of turpentine using Rubens' exact formula as told to T. Mayerne in person during the painting of Mayerne's own portrait. The resulting and exceedingly pure gum spirits were devoid of pine resin, proving the master's medium must have truly incorporated pine in its actual formulation.

Groves has also published many limited edition offset lithographs since 1987. Thousands of his unique, detailed and colorful art prints have sold worldwide.

The painter maintains a studio-gallery, Western Maryland Gallery, near Frostburg, Md. At least 60 of his works are on view at most times. Please call 301-689-3389 for an appointment to view the gallery.

Mr. Groves' acclaimed 28,000 word report defending the actuality of the famous Devil's Den Sharpshooter of the historic Gettysburg Battlefield can be accessed here

For Those Who paint in the Classical Manner We Offer Historical Painting
Mediums and Varnishes--Click here

Carolyn and James Groves

Galleries 1 and 4 at Western Maryland Gallery

"The Paw Paw Tunnel"; Edition of 500 signed and numbered prints. Image size is 18x24 inches with wide margins.

Cost of print is 70.00 US plus 10.00 US shipping in tube.

Maryland residents pay sales tax.

For further information or to place an order, please use our online ordering page or call (301)689-3389 10am-5pm EST Monday through Saturday. We accept Visa and Mastercard at our Gallery. We also accept Paypal, American Express, and Discover payments through our Paypal Merchant Shopping Service.

Or send personal check/money order to:

Western Maryland Gallery
11425 Upper George's Creek Road SW
Frostburg, MD 21532


Cleveland Painter Thomas Parker Hudson's soothing streetscapes and technical reviews-- What's not to love:Click here

New York painter Robert Bootier captures the soul of animal, man, and the land with a great eye and sense of color: here

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Bedford Fine Art Gallery - On view: At least 100 of the finest 19th-20th Century landscapes by American and European painters. Owners Joan and Jerry Hawk will help guide your visit. I certainly emjoyed mine! Located in Bedord, PA: Found here