Simple Straight Bookmark
Starting at bottom, thread needle with about an 18 inch tail.
Begin work about 3 inches from tail end.
R: 8-8, cl, T. R: 8-8, cl, T. C: 8-8, cl, T.
* R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to adjacent ring) R: 8-8, cl, T. C: 8-8, cl T.
Repeat from * until there are 8 sets of double rings.
The first half of the bookmark will tend to twist. But it is easy to see how it should flow. There will be alternating chains snaking between the double rings
Work top: R: 8+8, cl T. (join in last ring) C: 8-8, cl, T. R 8+8, cl T.
(join in same place as last join) C: 8-8, cl, T.
*R: 8+8, cl, T. (join in last ring set of first half). R: 8-8, cl, T.
C: 8+8, cl, T. (join to chain from opposite side).
R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to previous ring not attached to anything else)
R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to next 2 rings on first half).
C: 8-8, cl, T. Repeat from * to end of first side.
The above 5 photos show the progression of a corner. The 4 rings allow the work to flow around to the opposite side. The second side is a mirror image of the first. Attaching to the appropriate rings and chains.
Again the work may tend to twist but you should be able to keep it going in the proper direction by simply manipulating the work in your hand.
Work second end. R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to last ring group to make 4 ring cluster)
R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to last free ring)C: 8-8, cl, T. R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to corner 2 rings)
C: 8-8, cl, T. R: 8+8, cl, T. (join to corner 3 rings)
C: 8-8, cl, T. Attach chain between first double ring set.
If using a metallic thread along with your tatting thread carry it only with the working thread. Do not try to keep it on the needle thread. The kreinik metallics tend to snap with very little pressure.