Thinking outside the Tatting Box!
Carolyn Groves 2003
What happens when a traditional pattern is
worked for an "un-traditional" use?
The heart pattern used here was originally
done as small motifs to be used in a
framed setting or as small decorations.
I have used this pattern over the years for a
variety of items. Made in size 10 it works
up to a nice size coaster. Done in Altin
Basak thread it works to a size appropriate
for a pocket ornament or as a tee shirt
Then I found the 3 dimensional glass
hearts! I worked 2 hearts then wove them
together around the glass. Both threads are Altin Basak. The
one on the right has a gold metallic thread.
The original pattern was in Better Homes and Garden's "Victorian Hearts &
Flowers" published in 1995. They were designed by Kim Goetz.
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