Springtime Snowflake
Carolyn Groves March 2001

Model done in manuela 20 (color 205). 12 20mm bugle beads strung on ball thread.

R 4-4-4-4, cl, rw. Slide bugle, pass needle through bugle.
SR 4-4/4-4, cl rw.
C 4-4-4-4, cl rw.
*R 3-3-3-3-3-3, cl rw,
C 4-4-4-4, cl rw, join to 3rd picot of previous ring.
Repeat from * 3 more times. Do Not reverse after last chain.

C 4-4-4-4, cl, rw.
SR 4-4/4-4, cl, rw. Slide bugle, pass needle through.
[R 4+4-4-4, cl, rw, (Join to last picot on center ring.)
Slide bugle, pass needle through.

SR 4-4/4-4, cl rw.
C 4-4+4-4, cl rw. (Join to middle picot of corresponding chain.)
*R 3-3-3-3-3-3, cl rw,
C 4-4-4-4, cl rw, join to 3rd picot of previous ring.
Repeat from * 3 more times. Do Not reverse after last chain.

C 4-4-4-4, cl, rw.
SR 4-4/4-4, cl, rw. Slide bugle, pass needle through.]
Repeat between [ ] 4 more times.

On last repeat join last chain to middle picot of first chain. After last split ring slide last bugle and pass needle through. Join to top of first center ring.

Any size bugle bead can be used. The smaller the bead the less obvious the "V" is. Be very careful when working the last petal. Be sure to join in previous petal and then again to first petal being careful to not twist the work. As the work progresses watch the joins carefully. It is very easy to twist the work and join at the wrong spot. Every petal should have 2 bugle beads forming a "V" at the base.

Done in DMC perle 12 with 10mm